Well hello there, and welcome to my blog, Growing up Hollywood! My friends call me Bev, but most of you know me as Beverley Mitchell from a little show called 7th Heaven. I played the quirky middle daughter Lucy Camden on all 11 seasons and 243 episodes, so yeah I pretty much grew up in Hollywood. But 7th Heaven wasn’t my first job in the biz, (though it was my biggest and best job, let’s just be real) I actually started acting at the sweet young age of 4! Yep, I got my first job when I was only 4, it was an AT&T commercial! And no, I did not have any family in the business either, funny fact, I was actually discovered in food court at the mall, I was having a full blown meltdown because I was hungry and someone actually thought I was cute and said I had something special and she signed me. I booked my first commercial within a month and the rest is history. Not too long after I booked another great commercial, an Oscar Meyer commercial, and no I did not sing the song, that was Jodie Sweetin, my commercial was me complaining to the bakery man for making the buns too long, and scary enough I still remember the whole monologue! Yikes. Anyways, almost all of my life, I have been in show business, I really did GROW UP IN HOLLYWOOD and you know what I wouldn’t change a thing. Yeah, my life was a little different, and I missed a few things here and there, but for the most part, I lived a life that was perfectly fit for me and I am forever grateful, and I think I turned out ok. We don’t all get screwed up. 🙂