Ever wish there was a restaurant where as adults you can actually eat your meal and if your kids get restless, a place they can go play, so you might actually be able to eat your meal while it is hot. I know, its a wonderful dream, trust me, it has been my dream, that is why I am so BEYOND EXCITED for my best friend/soul sister’s (Jessica Biel) new restaurant in LA called AU FUDGE. Great name right! It’s so freaking cute, the ambiance is amazing, and nearly half of the restaurant is a wonderful creative space for the kids to play. They even have wonderfully kind staff that will watch your kids while you finish your meal. It was amazing, I went with Kenzie and Hutton and was meeting up with friends, so usually that means that I am so busy wrangling the kiddos that I barely complete a sentence, let alone catch up. But at Au Fudge, I actually took my kids into the creative space (the Playroom) passed them off the Au Pairs and let them play, and being the Mom that I am, I stared through the window and much to my surprise, they loved it. Kenz did some arts and crafts and played, read books, and just explored while Hutton enjoyed playing the instruments.
And I actually went back and ate my meal (which was DIVINE, I can’t even begin to explain the amazingness of the Vegan Caesar, and I am not Vegan), I even hung out a while and enjoyed the little break. I got an amazing coffee from the adorable cafe and indulged on the most decadent and delicious deserts ever, think churro sliders! Yeah, I can’t even. It is making me hungry just writing this.
So if your in LA, and even if you don’t have kids, the food is DELICIOUS, I seriously could eat EVERYTHING on the menu and don’t get me started on the deserts because they truly are heaven. So I must say, I HIGHLY recommend it. It truly is a restaurant that is great for families, great for friends, and great for anyone who loves delicious food, so basically you should definitely go and check it out.
I mean, this girl knows how to do it right and could she be any more stunning. I love you dearly Jess, and couldn’t be more proud of all that you have accomplished. Love you friend!
9010 Melrose Ave
West Hollywood, CA