So along with losing my mind and all of my thoughts and memory, it seems I am beginning to lose something else, something I have been so proud of, my perfect vision. It seems like overnight my eyes went wonky and now I need something that I have never had before, GLASSES! The crazy thing is I can still see without them but I find myself throughout the day almost wanting them becuase my eyes get tired and I struggle with reading my phone or anything for that matter. Listen, I am 37 and literally had perfect vision up until about a month ago and everything changed and it seems like it was a flip of a switch. Now I have nothing against glasses, thought I find them weird and am struggling to get used to them The good news is I think they are a cute accessory, the bad news is they make me crazy feeling like my line of sight is blocked.
I know it will take some getting used to, especially since I have a progressive prescription, which my husband loves to make fun of me for saying I need a Tri-Focal lens (not sure that is even a thing), but whatever I still can see better than him, he is blind as a bat! So I guess I have to admit that I am getting older and part of that is having a change in your vision, though I am still struggling with this.
Have you noticed a change in your vision? Any tips for getting used to wearing glasses? What are your favorite brands?
Got glasses in college, wear them mostly for driving at night and for eye fatigue. I have carbon fiber Ray-Bans! Super light and super durable!
I was about the same age when I started needing glasses. And yes there is a thing as a tri focal lens!
There is such a thing as trifocal lens; I looked it up. Here is what trifocals are according to Wikipedia: Trifocals are eyeglasses with lenses that have three regions which correct for distance, intermediate (arm’s length), and near vision. I have bifocals. From someone who has been wearing classes since they were a year old ( I am 33 now). I can’t exactly give you tips for getting used to glasses because I have been wearing mine for so long. You will get used to them after awhile. If it makes you feel any better you look adorable with them. Maybe Michael needs to get glasses too.
Wow, reading glasses in your 30s is young! But they look cute on you. I’m *older* than you, let’s say not surprising that at my recent eye doc appt he suggested my eyes are transitioning… But like you I can also read and see fine, but was having tired eyes. Your post made me feel better about this! I’ve also had glasses for my nearsighted-ness since childhood so I can’t help you much in the getting used to them. But ppl do, and hey don’t ppl look smarter wearing them? They also help hide eye wrinkes in a way 🙂
Oh my Gosh! I JUST went through a similar experience. I am 38 (though I probably waited longer than I should have). I was getting headaches every time I saw a movie, was getting more and more sensitive to light and by the end of the day, I would be inches from my computer screen. I could still “see” but my eyes were getting so fatigued and if I relaxed them, words were blurry. I got glasses about two months ago. Once pair is a very sensible work pair by Sillouette and the others were Glitter-tastic Vera Wangs! I HIGHLY recommend investing in a pair by Sillouette…they are feather light and I really don’t feel them, even after hours of wear. Very natural. The Vera’s are heavy and honestly much more of an accessory for when I only need them for short periods of time. Good Luck!