So I know what your thinking, why on earth would it take this long. Well it really only took 3 weeks but let me tell you that is an awfully long time to go without hot water. But there is something I must say that I took away from the experience, it was humbling. It made me truly appreciate the gift that is hot water! After boiling water to make the kids baths, and after many cold showers for me, it made me forever grateful when we finally got our water heater installed. In fact I have been enjoying it so much, that it has taken me a minute to get this post together.
So the real answer to why it took so long, is my husband wanted to upgrade our system and because we were not planning on doing this in this exact moment, we were not prepared. Well, let me rephrase, we had not done our research. Typically I would just go straight to the store and replace it, but being with Michael has made me realize the importance of preparation. We always do our due diligence before any big project, So after a lot of research, we finally found our perfect fit. We went tankless and found that the Noritz EZ 111 was the perfect fit for us. It was great, because honestly we were able to just plug it in to where our existing water heater was. We did not have to do any complicated plumbing, the connections being on top made for an easy transition and were able to utilize our existing vent. Plus we wanted to go with a company that has great customer service so if we had any questions all we had to do was call.
Yes I am that happy! What’s crazy is I can actually jump into the space where our huge 75 gallon tank was and now there is so much more room for storage! Also another huge benefit that we didn’t even realize until we installed it was that if we replaced our old 75 gallon with the new 75 gallon it wouldn’t actually fit since the new unit have more insulation around them and with our previous unit, it was a very tight fit.
Never will I take hot water for granted.
And bonus, I am so excited to have so much extra space now that we don’t have that huge water heater. We also noticed that the garage is not nearly as hot now that the water heater is not constantly running. The whole experience was truly a great one, though there were those cold showers. Now I don’t ever have to worry about that again.
I’m glad to hear that your hot water problem is now settled. Fortunately your kitchen range was here to help you out before purchasing that great water heater. For my part, there’s no more cold water running from the faucet of my bathtub. There’s only hot water. In short, I have the opposite problem. 🙂 I have neither that problem with the faucet of my wash basin nor with my sink’s. 😕