This sweet girl is growing up so fast, I can’t stand it. My baby girl seriously amazes me each and every day. She has the sweetest and gentlest soul, she loves her brother in the most amazing way and asks me every day if her baby sister is coming, NO I AM NOT Pregnant, though that would make her the happiest little girl in the world. When explaining that IF I got pregnant, there is a chance it could be a BOY she quickly tells me we already have a boy and she just wants a baby Sister. So we will have to work on that.
I can’t believe the little sass that can come from a little person and I guarantee if you meet her she will try to invite you to our house and if you do anything nice she will ask me if we can send you a thank you note. I love this little mini BEYOND and Michael and I are so incredibly proud of the sweet little human she is becoming. She is our princess, our adventurer, our little humanitarian and I am so grateful she chose us.
Kenzie Lynne, Mommy and Daddy love you with all our hearts. We can’t wait to see you make a mark in this world. You make people smile from the heart and that my dear, is a gift. Continue to spread love and kindness and you will change this world in the most magical way!
This sweet little dress is from one of my new favorite shops Luna Luna Collection
Bev she totally looks like a sweet little angel but I can see a little bit of the sass you talk about lol trust me she will not forget about wanting a sister. Be prepared for this to be a regular conversation.