So as a family, we have a place that is pretty special to us, Crested Butte, Colorado, and we were lucky enough to escape there this past week. It is pretty special to be able to bring our children to exact spot where Michael decided I was the girl he wanted a family with, and now here we are. We have two beautiful little kids who love the mountains, love to ride their bikes, throw rocks and play in the dirt. Having been a city girl almost all my life, it is pretty magical escape to a place that is all about nature, that just begs you to be outdoors. You see kids outside playing, having great adventures, and see them conquer their fears, it really is pretty amazing. I am so very grateful for this incredible little town, the place that makes my heart smile, where life slows down and where my only focus is family, it is where I take a breath and live in each and every moment. All other stress goes away, and time no longer matters. This is where I get my head centered and remember what matters most! FAMILY!
I can’t wait to build our dream home and make this our home! Until then, we will continue to visit and create more memories! I am so excited to see my kids grow up and push themselves to the limits, to learn more, and to respect nature.
Kids Hats by my favorite Grom Squad
I listened to this song on the way home today! Please make another CD!