I never could have imagine how another man could steal my heart but this little guy owns me. He constantly surprises me! Just the other day he actually asked to go poo poo on the potty and sure enough as soon as I got him on there, he went! SAY WHAT? We didn’t even start potty training, he did! Now he tells us when he wants to go on the potty. I am not ready for this! How is my baby all grown up? And let me tell you does he have a sense of humor, yesterday he introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Kenzie”, trying so hard to be his big sister, and when we corrected him and told him he’s HUTTON, he laughs and keeps saying he is Kenzie. It’s these little moments that I just cherish because it is true, everything goes by so fast! I’m not going to lie, it makes me want to have another one because I already miss the baby that I don’t feel I ever even had with him.
I am struggling with the fact that come the end of January he will be two! Honestly, I know everyone always says don’t blink because it flies by and I bet I rolled my eyes when I was told that. But man are they right. It has flown by and though I am there for every minute I still struggle with the fear of missing out. Don’t grow up too fast sweet boy!
Hat by George Hats
Oh man, I’m in for it!
Bev he is absolutely adorable. It’s amazing how fast it goes.