It is easy to look on Instagram, or watch our favorite people on tv and assume they lead the perfect life. Trust me, I know, I do it too. But I am here to admit at least for me, I am NOWHERE NEAR PERFECT, and honestly I like it that way. I am here to share you the real me, not the facade of perfection. I don’t have perfect skin, and at times, I don’t feel beautiful, I feel run down, I feel tired, and man trying to put together a perfect outfit is nearly impossible. I am a creature of comfort and it takes WORK to look cute. I spend far more time on my family, cleaning the house, cooking, and most importantly playing with my babies. Don’t get me wrong, I am not hating on those that can manage to look fabulous and put together all the time, I think that is awesome, I am jealous, it just isn’t me. If you were to run into me on the street I would most likely have my hair in a pony tail, fresh faced, and wearing my favorite comfortable James Jeans and my favorite shirt from Splendid. Yep, I am that predictable! That is my uniform and I wish I could say this is because of the kids but the reality is this has always been me. Yeah, it is fun once in a blue moon to get all dolled up but as I have gotten older, I have realized something about myself. I used to only feel PRETTY if I was all done up and though I didn’t wear a lot of makeup in my everyday life, I did;t feel good about myself and I would say discouraging comments about my appearance. I would see Kenzie, this sweet little girl taking in what I was saying, she would say she wanted to put on makeup so she could be pretty too. I immediately had to make a change in the way I treated myself, for not only my own self confidence, but for hers. I am not perfect but I am perfectly me and I should love everything about that. I have to be an example to this sweet little girl, I have to show her that beauty is more about who you are and how you feel. Beauty is not superficial, it can’t be painted on, it is in your heart. So here I am fresh faced and imperfect, and I don’t need anyone to tell me I am beautiful because I feel it. I feel it because I am in full acceptance of everything I am and everything I am not. I am an example for the most precious little soul that I pray always knows how incredibly beautiful she is just the way she is!
I am not perfect but I am perfectly me. Love it!