A trip to San Diego would not be complete without stopping by Sea World. I remember going to Sea World with my Mom when I was a little girl and it was pretty fun being able to share it with my family. We got to do something pretty special, we got to meet a Macaroni Pengiun and even got to go into the Penguin Enclosure at a balmy 22 degrees. I am a huge fan of March of the Penguins so being able to be so close to the Penguins and see them in person and actually be able to touch one was incredible. They are pretty amazing animals! And I learned something new, you will never find a penguin above the Equator.
The picture is a bit blurry because Penguins don’t like flashes! I get it, I don’t love a flash either.
Kenz will always and forever be a daddy’s girl!
We even go to meet a sweet dolphin! And let me tell you, these guys had a sense of humor. Apparently they love to make fart sounds, which Hutt thought was pretty funny and they loved to get us wet. Being that is was a super hot day, it felt pretty refreshing. We jam packed our weekend in San Diego! We even made it out to Aquatica, for the kiddos first adventure to a water park, which I must say truly was an adventure.
My little stud!And we even got to meet some flamingos! By the way, these guys are some super friendly birds. They tried to get a little frisky and they have no sense for personal space which was hilarious. I was surprised at how social they were. I must say, we really made the most of our weekend and had our first KID CENTERED vacation, and it was a true success! Looking forward to making many many more amazing memories as a family!
Looks like so much fun with the
penguins and Dolphins! Thanks
for sharing your weekend!