Coming up to the mountains for New Years is a family tradition of sorts! We do it every year and this tiny little mountain town holds a special place in our hearts! This is where Michael asked me to be his wife and now bringing our two kids up to this magical place is that much sweeter!
Last year Kenz took her first shot at skiing and loved it, now we got Hutton on skis! Mind you Hutton will be 2 in January and Kenzie 4 the end of March! So I have to say, we start them young but they love it! And they couldn’t be cuter!
I am so proud of their fearless quest to rock that mountain! I don’t share that commitment, I have tried snowboarding and I am terrible and to be honest I have always loved hanging out and reading while everyone skis! Or I just hang out and watch! Either way I have no real desire to inevitably hurt myself, let’s just be real I’m not really athletic!
Plus I love watching the littles kick butt and grow! Where have my babies gone!!! Not to mention they got their Daddy who is amazing at it all!
This is the place where life slows down, we put down our phones, except for me because I am taking 1000s of pictures and videos, where we never pull out our computers, where we connect as a family! We watch movies as a family, do puzzles, live a truly simple life! It is a perfect way to recharge for a brand new year and remind us that though life gets crazy and times get tough the only thing that truly matters is this little family of mine! To spend as much time celebrating them, loving them, nurturing them and giving them my undivided attention! So as we say goodbye to our special mountain, I look forward to all that 2017 will bring our way and I am reminded to sometimes slow down and catch the snow flakes! 🙂
I have also tried skiing and snowboarding and failed as well! My mom did try when I was younger but it just didn’t stick. It did work for my older brother and sister. 🙂