So Hutt has always been a big fan of his WubbaNub, they have been an absolute must for sleeping, that and his Little Giraffe blanky. After consulting with the dentist we decided we would slowly phase out his pacifier, he affectionately calls them Bobbies! So slowly he has bit through them and we have been able to cut off the pacifier leaving him with just his animals. The Most important being OG (his original Lion) who he takes everywhere. We thought we lost him once and I literally drove around looking in parking lots and under the table at the restaurant in desperate search for it, only to find it hiding in an old dog crate that he must have stashed him. (Isn’t it funny what lengths we go to, to find that special toy for our kids.) Anyways, the day has come when there are no more pacifier and part of me is sad. My little baby is turning into a little boy and I am struggling with it. He still sleeps with OG and his blanky at night, and I think I am as attached to the blanky as he is. I hold on to it because I am still holding onto my baby.
I can’t even with this kid. He truly is my little Mama’s Boy and I love it. Realizing that both my kiddos are no longer babies actually make me long for a possible number 3. I feel like there is another little soul waiting for us, so who knows. AND NO I AM NOT Pregnant but who knows what the future may hold for us.
Hey! Our doctor suggested we switch from those pacifiers to normal pacifiers when our daughter developed teeth, she said it was better for the development of her teeth. She is 2 now and the dentist said that was a great idea. Just a thought,
There’s a lot more fun to look forward to than baby stages! Mother Nature makes us want more babies, but it will go by fast no matter how many you have. Plus, just wait until they’re teenagers. ☹️
Giving up the Paci (as we called it) is I think always harder on the parents. Hutt is such a handsome little boy! Love and enjoy them! Sometimes I think I missed out on enjoying my little one’s big moments, he’s now 10. He still sleeps with his Puppy stuffed animal and his blanket….and he can do that as long as he wants to as long as they stay in his bed. Kids are the best. I bet you’re an amazing Mom, I can tell.
We have ended the use of the paci or “meany” as my son calls it; during the day but still heavily rely on it for nap and bed time. When we tell him it’s bedtime he gets excited to go get his meany and snuggle up! Our dentist said I had until he was three (he just turned 2 in Aug.) to avoid permanent damage to his teeth. Any tips on starting the bedtime process?
He is so adorable! Love seeing pictures of you and your family. 7th Heaven was my favorite show and enjoyed your character very much! My son has been watching the show on the Up channel. He wishes to meet you someday. We live in Colorado and notice you visit often. Maybe his wish will come true. 😊
Such a sweet post, my Littles are almost all adults. My baby is 16 with a job and a plan for the future, but I remember these days like they were yesterday. Hold onto to them with all your might as long as you can…write down every moment because with age they are fleeting…and know that you are an amazing Mom, even on the bad days they will always remember that.