I love Christmas!!! One of my most favorite thing is giving gifts! I honestly don’t need anything, I just find it so fun to buy presents for the ones I love! And now with kids, it’s crazy, even crazier now that they understand Christmas and all the excitement Behind Santa Claus!
Since the big day has passed, I reflect on when I found myself frustrated that what I ordered didn’t show up! I am still waiting on quite a bit! As I was doing this last night I remembered the tree that was already cluttered with gifts and it dawned me. As a parent I want to give my kids everything, but there is something to be said for not overwhelming a child with a ton of gifts but giving them something that they can play with and appreciate! It is not about the sheer number of gifts but the emphasis of what Christmas is, the sharing of love! So though many of my packages have yet to arrive, I think it’s for the best! I might spread them out through the year, I mean how can they truly appreciate a gift if they 20 others right behind it.
I love giving gifts but I have to be careful to not spoil my children to the point they do not appreciate the gesture. I hope to raise respectful, thoughtful, grounded children and that starts with us.
Getting back to what Christmas is really about, all about family and less about presents!
So true. My aunt always says gifts should be one thing they want, one thing they need, one thing to wear and one thing to read. Not a bad plan at all.
Beverly, I have taught my children to say Happy Birthday Jesus and now my daughter teaches my grandchildren that. My son is visiting in SC and on Facebook, he posted Happy Birthday Jesus. MInd you, he is 34 years old. Much love and a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you, your family and all of your other loved ones. Much love and God bless, Maria H.