So I know everyone talks about terrible twos but honestly two was a breeze, but THREE! I mean, I was not prepared for this. Literally on Kenzie’s 3rd Birthday everything changed. She started climbing out of her crib, yes she is still in her crib, by her own request. Girl loves her crib, but now every morning at 7:45am she climbs out of her crib and comes into our room and asks to watch Daniel Tiger. So that is the start of our day.
Yes, I know she looks like an angel, but trust me, she is a Handful!
Then as the day goes on, Kenz has now decided she doesn’t want to take a nap and is constantly climbing out of her crib when we put her down. So we have yet to be successful and as most of you know a toddler without a nap is a ticking time bomb. She screams, yells, kicks, and is a downright monster. So yeah, this year should be fun! Wish us luck!