So yesterday, we had the fun task of traveling with our littles. This is always an adventure, especially now with Hutton being 1 and half. He really has no interest in sitting still for 5 minutes let alone 2 hours (Yep that is about as much as I can take right now!) so luckily our flight to Colorado is quick. That being said, I always feel like I went 10 rounds with a WWF wrestler, I always find myself thoroughly exhausted after every flight. And that isn’t even talking about the adventure of packing the car, getting to the airport (LA Traffic sucks, we only live 20 miles from the airport yet it took us almost 1.5 hours), getting bags checked (I tend to overpack), getting through security, and then the adventure of getting situated on the flight. I always try to prepare Kenzie’s seat and have everything I need at arms reach which means A LOT of snacks, lots of milk, and plenty of water. Kenz is easy, she just watches movies and never makes a peep. Hutton however, is not interested in movies, all he wants to do is MOVE, a little difficult on a flight, and he also is in this stage where he likes to be loud, so that’s fun. Lucky for me, this guy was not interested in napping on the flight, he of course saved that for when we landed and were waiting to get picked up!Looks like an angel when he is asleep, but when he is awake, it is a totally different story!
Love Kenzie’s face in that second picture with her brother! So cute and sweet! My daughter has never been a good napper when traveling. When she would finally sleep, it was usually at the times it would be best for her to be awake. hehe.
Kenzie and Hutton are so beautiful,
I imagine traveling with them is a
chore but as you say Kenz is really
good and Hutt is just a bit energetic
but it always ends up being worth it.
Enjoy your vacation and relax!
Love and hugs to you all.
I totally can relate to that.
When we go to see my husbands family we need to drive for 2 hours and since driving is not my baby boys favorite thing to do, it’s always not so much fun.
But snacks really do help and music, so we play his favorite songs and sing along as loud as we can. That’s what he loves. But those tricks always just last for 1,5 hours, so the last 30 minutes our 2 year old son screams as loud as he can! 🙂
Yep always an adventure to go on a roadtrip with him! 🙂
But no matter how much he screams or complains, one smile from him is enough to make me forget all of that! :-)))