“Just BE NICE to on another” wise words from an even wiser man.
Today would have been Doc Joe Maurer’s 104th birthday, he passed away this past January. It has taken me this long to process his passing, you see GG Joe (Great Grandpa Joe’s) was always there. He was a pillar in the family and the community. Doc Joe Maurer was one of the founders of The Boulder Community Center, he delivered over 2000 babies in his career and known and loved by all. But most importantly to our children, he was GG Joe. The kids looked forward to visiting everytime we came into Boulder, we went straight to his house and visited multiple times a day. The kids would sing with him, would dance for him, and tell him stories.
Grandpa loved to work on his crosswords puzzles everyday, he said it was important to work the mind. He loved to walk around the neighborhood and strike up a conversation with all that were willing to chat. A perfect example of who I aspire to be.
A man who loved his family and loved to share his wisdom to whomever he came into contact with him. He would tell you to always “Use your head” and “Be nice to one another”. You see to GG Joe, life was pretty simple and he always reminded me to slow down and remember what matters most, PEOPLE. Especially the people the you love, just be nice and this is wisdom that we have passed on to our kids.
Grandpa we miss you dearly, I miss your laugh and your stories. Thank you for adopting me into your family and for loving me as your own. I will forever be your Pixie!
Grandpa Joe sounds like an unbelievably wise and loving man who shared life’s lessons with all he met. Sending warm wishes and light.